VIT B.Arch

Short Bio:

Krishwanth displays a positive outlook and attitude in the class. He is a responsible learner who tries to give his best. He works independently with minimum supervision and strives to reach his full potential. He resists the urge to become distracted by others and remains focused on the activity at hand.

College Info:

VIT Group of Institutions offer 71 Undergraduate, 58 Postgraduate, 15 Integrated, 2 Research programmes and 2 M.Tech Industrial Programmes. In addition, full-time Ph.D. in Engineering and Management disciplines, Ph.D. in Science and Languages and Direct Ph.D. programmes in engineering disciplines are offered.
Course Info:

V SPARC | the VIT School of Architecture offers a five year study programme which aims at graduating students into fully equipped professionals ready for real-world challenges.
B. Arch programme at VIT – Vellore campus comes with a new proposition, for the students who are aspiring to become Architects that their course is going to mould them to handle real-life situation during their studies itself through many inter-linked mentoring workshops with Professional Architects who will get them equipped with skills and knowledge that maketh a good Architect.
There are student exchange programmes with leading universities from Europe, USA, Australia and from Asia. We have eminent architects who will facilitate an Architectural Evolution made possible within 5 years of your commitment to VIT Vellore. Please check the salient features of the course and the curriculum and syllabus for more clarity.