Short Bio:

Kirti loves interacting with her peer mates. She is a responsible learnes and takes feedback constructively. She also encourages other team members to perform in a better way. She reads extensively for enjoyment. She asks for clarification when needed and responds promptly in the class.
College Info:

Monash is a modern, global, research-intensive university, delivering education and research excellence in Australia and across the Indo-Pacific. We’re making a positive impact on today’s global challenges – whether that’s by mitigating climate change, easing geopolitical insecurity or fostering healthy communities.We have more than 150 active fields of research, 10 faculties, and over 4700 Higher Degree by Research students solving the challenges of our age.
Course Info:

Design and information technology are strongly complementary fields. Together, they provide a powerful combination of highly valuable skills and knowledge. Choose a design specialisation in Communication, Industrial, Spatial or Collaborative Design