Shri Abhiraami T
College Info:
The School of Architecture and Planning, Anna University, one of the premier institutions of the nation was initially established as the Department of Architecture of the University of Madras in the year 1957 and was located in the Alagappa College of Technology, offering a five year Bachelor Degree Course in Architecture with an intake of 20 seats. Post graduate course in Town and Country Planning was started in the year 1964 to fulfill the needs of the region. Both departments later came under the banner School of Architecture and Planning and shifted to an independent campus in 1968. The status of the School was further augmented as it became one of the constituent college during the formation of the Anna University in 1979. The School was made one of the constituent autonomous institutions of Anna University in 2002, with the self-directed purpose to raise its goal and aspirations to global standards. The school is now headed by the Dean, Dr. Monsingh David Devadas.
The School has heighened its aspiration to serve the society at large by establishing a higher degree course in Architecture namely M.Arch in 1986 and specialized courses namely – M.Arch(Digital) and M.Arch(Landscape) as self supporting courses from 2002, with an intake of 20 students. Besides, M.S. (by Research) and Ph.D. programmes are offered by the School since 1990’s. B.Arch courses expanded to the current intake of 120 students from the year 2015. In this academic year, the total students on roll is 496 with 393 students in the under-graduate programme, 65 students in the M.Arch programmes and 38students in M.Plan programme
The undergraduate course has a five-year duration with unique course content. Two semesters are devoted to practical training under the skilled guidance of practicing architects and another semester to design thesis for exploring the individual student’s area of interest. The two years postgraduate course in Digital and Landscape architecture has been structured towards response to globalisation, climate change, societal and professional needs
The QIP Cell established by the AICTE at SAP has provided the facilities of research for teachers of other schools, besides providing admission to PG / Ph.D. degree course. Till date 23 teachers from various schools of Architecture have benefited from the Cell. The School has YRC unit and NSS units and has extended its support to social cause with the first year B.Arch students actively involved.
Course Info:
Architecture is both the process and the product of planning, designing, and constructing buildings or any other structures.Architectural works, in the material form of buildings, are often perceived as cultural symbols and as works of art. Historical civilizations are often identified with their surviving architectural achievements.The School of Architecture and Planning, Anna University, one of the premier Institutions of the nation was initially established as a Department of Architecture of the University of Madras in the year 1957 and was located in the Alagappa College of Technology, offering a five year Bachelor Degree Course in Architecture with an intake of 20 seats. The Town and Country Planning PG Programme was started in the year 1964 to cater to needs of South India. The departments were later renamed as the School of Architecture and Planning, and shifted to be an independent campus in the year 1968. Apart from UG and PG, the School offers M.S. (Research) and Ph.D. Programmes. Currently Dr.Monsingh David Devadas is the Dean, School of Architecture and Planning.