Shiva Shankari

Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences , Maharashtra

College Info:

Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences “Deemed To Be University”, a place, where a thought of serving the society sowed in 1982, has grown in a sprawling campus spanning 55.24 acres of tranquility. Equipped with the best that technology has to offer, Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences “Deemed To Be University” strongly believes in the thought that lead to its inception, namely “social responsibility”.Founder Late Shri. Jaywantraoji Bhosale’s foray into education started way back in 1964 with the establishment of Society for Promotion of Education in Farmers. In 1984 where medical education was the forte of government run institutions, Late Shri Jaywantraoji Bhosale, with his continuous efforts persuaded the then Government of Maharashtra for private participation in the field of medical education and laid the foundation for what today is Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences “Deemed To Be University”.

Acquiring the University status in 2005, Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences “Deemed To Be University” has spread its wings to explore the diverse fields in medicine through its constituent faculties which include Medical, Dental, Physiotherapy, Nursing and Allied Sciences (Microbiology, Biotechnology, Krishna Institute of Pharmacy).The staff at each college comes with a wealth of knowledge, experience and most prominently the desire to inculcate values in each student. Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences “Deemed To Be University” is not only a focal point for education but also a hub for research activities. Research is an integral part of our education system, and that’s what we indoctrinate in our students. If you ask us, what sets Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences “Deemed To Be University” apart? Our humble answer would be continual work towards creation of curriculum that will help our students have better perspective on the novel concepts and trends in medicine and to ensure that every student looks at research as a part of his/her DNA and not just a part of the syllabus.