Riya Harshita C
Short Bio:
Riya Harshita is exceptionally intelligent, she effortlessly showcases a natural aptitude for learning, coupled with a genuine eagerness to explore new ideas. Her intellectual prowess is complemented by a curiosity that drives her to delve into diverse concepts. Consistently seeking intellectual challenges, she contributes to a vibrant academic environment. Her innate ability to grasp and apply new ideas not only sets her apart but also inspires peers. A dedicated learner, she combines intelligence with a passion for exploration, leaving an indelible mark on the academic community. Her enthusiasm for knowledge and adaptability positions her as a standout contributor with limitless potential.
College Info:
PSG College of Arts & Science was founded in the year 1947 before independence by the PSG & Sons’ Charities Trust with a mission to set education on a noble perch accessible to all in pursuit of knowledge and world class education. The founders envisioned charity through education and crested this zealous thought as the reason for having set up a premier grade institution, which still remains as an untarnished thought through the lineage of successors to this college. The college embodies a rich tradition of excellence in teaching and research and has thus diffused dynamism and knowledge to several learners in the sands of time. The college upgrades its facilities available from time to time, to set up the best pedal of access for its students. The college has a long standing and a well established title for having harbored an excellent faculty resource in the city. The quality of education is carefully cradled to impart profound education to all who have knocked on the knowledge doors of the college with belief. The institution promotes deep research and lifelong learning in the fields of Arts, Sciences, Humanities, Management, Computer Science, Social Science and Life Sciences.
Course Info:
In the year 2003 the Department of International Business was started to be the best educational resource in the region to support students to transform into entrepreneurs and professionals in the fast growing regime of International Business.To be the best educational resource in the region to prepare students to turn into entrepreneurs and professionals in the fast growing regime of international business who will have the expertise to function in multi-cultural global scale businesses.To inculcate independent learning and to provide knowledge to develop skills to excel in the areas of growing and ever changing international trade and to expose the students to the explosive world of international business.
Tuition Fees :
~112729 INR