Narmadan D

Kumaraguru College of Technology - B.Tech (Comp Sci)

College Info:

Kumaraguru College of Technology, with an enriching history of excellence spanning four decades, has been a significant contributor to the advancements of knowledge in teaching-learning, research and administration, and thus been consistently ranked among the best engineering institutions in India. Kumaraguru landscape promotes the scientific temper, critical thinking and free inquiry among the scholarly community leading to redefining the socio-economic constructs through technological disruption.

Course Info:

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering is one of the most coveted engineering branches of KCT that offers a wide range of basic as well as advanced courses in Computer science engineering at the Under graduate and Post graduate levels. The well-equipped laboratory facilities provide extensive application oriented learning strategies to students to become academic and industry leaders. Solving of real life problems and familiarity with new technologies are improved through Internship, Case studies, Guest Lectures and workshops, participation in contests, Open house exhibitions of ideas and project work based on industrial and societal problems. A good number of students are involved in the projects like full stack web development, Ethical Hacking, Data Science and Virtual Reality, Robotic arm, IoT based Smart Home solutions. They learn the different techniques required to develop a valid prototype, and gain valid insights on real industrial requirement.