Harinee J.R.

Loyala College - LIAC BBA France

Short Bio:

Harinee is a thoughtful person. She prefers to work at her own pace and is cautious about taking action. She likes working on her own.

College Info:

The Loyola College Society runs many institutions of excellence (Loyola College, LIBA, LICET, LIAC, Loyola College of Education, IDCR, PULC and LIVE) and has many international collaborations with renowned and prestigious institutions across the globe. Loyola College, a Catholic Minority Institution, was founded by the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) in 1925, with the primary objective of providing University Education in a Christian atmosphere for deserving students irrespective of caste and creed. The aim of the college is to educate young men and women to serve their fellow men and women in justice, truth and love.

Course Info:

The Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA –France) is a 3 year Under Graduate Twinning Programme of Loyola College, Chennai and Lille Catholic University,France., where the students purse their First 2 years of study at Loyola College, Chennai and the 3rd Year of study at IESEG School of Management, Lille, France. The Program provides students with general management education. Students gain knowledge in the management disciplines.

The structure of the BBA Programme is designed to help our students achieve the following:
* A deep knowledge of and proficiency in the fundamental discipline.
* A high level of professionalism in Management disciplines.
* Solid Managerial and Behavioral Skills

Tuition Fees :

€ 9,691 per year – Tuition fee