Short Bio:
He was able to easily adapt to the IB way of teaching and learning, as he had to associate learning the language by understanding the culture, with ease he made use of his skills to learn the French language.With regard to CAS, he has been a diligent leader; during an inter-school fest this club had engaged them in doing a fundraiser to support the needy and down trodden. He engaged in activities which were very effective and innovative. To his peers, He has always been a good friend who encourages, motivates and enhances companionship. He has always maintained a cordial working relationship with the teachers.He has prominently been seen a risk- taker who takes up new challenges without any hesitation or fear which has enabled him to accomplish his work successfully.
About College:
Coimbatore Institute of Technology (CIT) is government-aided autonomous engineering college located in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India. It was founded in 1956 by V. Rangaswamy Naidu Educational Trust. It is affiliated to Anna University.
About Course:
One of the founding departments of Coimbatore Institute of Technology (CIT), the Mechanical Engineering Department has played a leading role in evolving an ‘Engineering Science’ based curriculum. The department of mechanical engineering of CIT attracts and features an extraordinary rich diversity and quantity of talented individuals, with nearly 500 Under Graduates which includes full time and part time, 60 Post Graduate students and over 40 faculty members. Apart from teaching undergraduate and post graduate students, the faculty of Mechanical Engineering actively pursues research through graduate students and research scholars.
Fees and other Financial data about the college:
Total Fees
INR 2.12 Lakh
(Fees Components : Tuition)
Government Aided fees per year
First year: Rs 22,000
Second year: 20,150
Third year and fourth year: Rs 20,050
About the country and cost of living in the country.
Rs 18,877