Srinithi V.

PSG Arts - B.Sc Microbiology

Short Bio:

Competitive by nature, always likes to be in the forefront by hook or by crook. Selective while choosing her friends, she voices her views strongly. Be it discussions or debate, she values her ideas and opinions at the same time is open to others viewpoints too.

College Info:

PSG College of Arts and Science has proved this prophetic statement with conviction by emerging as on of the premier institutions of higher learning in this country. The college has a long-standing academic tradition of excellence in research and scholarship. This is coupled with the most advanced facilities for the pursuit of higher learning. The college has a team of experienced and efficient faculty and our academic programmes are challenging and updated. Thirty Nine Undergraduate and Twenty Four Postgraduate programmes are offered and may of them are unique. M.Phil and Ph.D programmes are offered in Nineteen faculties.
Course: Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) program in information systems management, students develop methods for analyzing, designing, planning and managing information systems. Students are trained to manage hardware, software and database memory for their departments and organizations.

Course Info:

The Department of Microbiology, PSG College of Arts & Science, Coimbatore, offers a three years Bachelor’s Programme in Microbiology, a two years Master’s Programme in Applied Microbiology and M.Phil (Fulltime) and Ph.D (Fulltime & Parttime) Programmes affiliated to the Bharathiar University. As PSGCAS enjoys academic autonomy, the M.Sc is a government supported autonomous programme under aided stream, structured as four semester pattern and B.Sc is a self-financing programme, structured as six semester pattern. The course is designed to provide students with training and research experience that will prepare them for a wide range of careers in pure and applied sciences. The department was one of the few colleges who started Microbiology course in the 1st category in both UG and PG level and our alumni are spread across the world in leading positions. Microbiology degree programmes are focused, unique, need oriented and flexible graduate and postgraduate courses for cultivating and developing adequately trained human resource in Microbiology for academy, industry and health sectors. Microbiology is an important interdisciplinary science integrating both basic and applied aspects of Biological Sciences.