Short Bio:
He has made very good academic progress this year. He is kind, caring, and friendly character makes him a role model for classmates. Is an inquisitive learner who enjoys analyzing situations and making new discoveries in all parts of the school day. Handles disagreements with peers appropriately and diplomatically. Asks questions or seeks clarification when needed. uses text features and search tools to efficiently locate information relevant to a given topic.
College Info:
Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology is the most sought after Institution among the premier technical Institutions in South India. It is an autonomous Institution, accredited by NBA and has been offered ‘A’ Grade (3.42 out of 4 scale) by NAAC for its academic excellence. It offers 8 UG programmes, 9 PG programmes, 1 integrated programme and 7 research programs.
Course Info:
Department of Mechanical Engineering was established in the year 1998 and was accredited by the National Board of Accreditation (NBA). The department comprises of major areas viz. Thermal Engineering, Design & Dynamics, and Manufacturing Engineering. The specializations of faculty members cover all major areas of Mechanical Engineering.